get all the details

Shuttles buses, parties and more!

friday night

After rehearsal dinner, you can find us for some late night beverages and snacks at the Punderson cabins (#25). Weather permitting, there will be a bon fire. If there is rain, we’ll take the party inside. See you around 9:30!

things to do

Punderson Manor is a magical place full of many amenities — check them out, schedule an early tee-off with Nick, or find Jess on the hiking trail!


Don’t forget your swimsuit!


Golf, anyone? Nick’s buying 🙂


If you know Jess, you’ll definitely

find her on the trail!

the shuttle bus

There will be a shuttle bus arriving at Punderson at 3:30 p.m. and leaving around 3:45 p.m. to take guests to cocktail hour and the reception.


The same shuttle bus will pick everyone up from the reception at 10 p.m. and drop off at Punderson.


The shuttle bus holds about 48 people. We don’t anticipate having capacity issues but just in case, please be prepared with designated drivers.

after hours

Can’t get enough of us?! If you’re dancing feet wont stop, kick off your fancy shoes, put on some comfy clothes and meet us for a bon fire at cabin #25 for some after hours fun. Pizza is a guarantee but respectable demeanor is not 🙂

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